Carol William Hayes High School was established
in September of 1960 on the eastern section of Birmingham, AL as the last negro high school before intergration in 1970. In
1960, 622 students in grades nine through eleven were enrolled by Hayes' first principal, Augustus C. Dickinson. The
first eighteen classrooms, an office, a temporary library and a lunchroom were completed on the school's campus.
In 1961, the second wing was completed and the twelfth grade was added.
The first graduating class of Hayes High School completed their work in May of 1962.
In 1962, a third wing was added which included gymnasium, a home economics
section and a temporary industrial arts room.
In 1965, the Pacesetters welcomed their second Principal, John
B. Norman. He concentrated on academic excellence and produced improvements in the instructional programs and enriched classroom
The school's expansion didn't cease there. By September of 1967, the
vocational section known as the third wing, the library and the auditorium complex were ready for occupancy.
In the first twelve years, the enrollment at Hayes increased from
its original 622 students to the 1972-73 enrollment of 1,220 .
Nineteen eighty-nine saw a temporary halt to Hayes as a high school,
when it was converted to a middle school. The middle school lasted until August 2003 when it again became a high school.
The first principal of the "NEW" Hayes High School was Dr. Raymond
In the Spring of 2004 , Hayes High School welcomed their second principal,
Mrs. Vanessa G. Byrd.
In the Fall of 2006, Mr. Fred H. Stewart was appointed as the third
principal welcomed by C.W. Hayes High School where he currently serves.
Today, Hayes High School is known as "the
Pacesetters".... Setting the pace for the 21st Century.